
Fill out our questionnaire and help us advise you
on the most suitable Treatment Protocol
Please also note that for your initial consultation we would like you to bring
- HIV 1 + 2 test – dated in last 6 months*
- Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) – dated in last 6 months*
- Hepatitis B (HbsAg and Anti-HBc) test – dated in last 6 months*
- Hepatitis C (HCV) test– dated in last 6 months*
- Cardiogram / ECG test report– dated in last 6 months (required only for patients intending Egg Collection or Surgical Sperm Retrieval)**
- Marital status certificate we need to have a copy of this for our files as following. ***
Married couples
Marriage certification
Single lady
All women under 35 years old, a recent breast ultrasound
All women over 35 years old, a recent mammography